*Go Training is a pilot program of CEF of North Dakota with the permission of Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.

Have you ever wanted to make a difference, impact someone’s life forever, and have a lot of fun while doing it?

If you have, then serving as a CEF summer missionary is perfect for you!

As a summer missionary, you’ll share the Good News of Jesus with kids right here in North Dakota.

You’ll start with training during the spring and early June. During the training, you’ll learn how to share the Gospel, how to teach Bible Lessons and Scripture memory verses, and how to lead songs and games for kids.

Then, over the rest of the summer, you’ll use what you’ve learned to  teach kids about God through backyard Bible clubs (called Go Clubs) and other children’s ministries.

Fast Facts

Ages: For students, ages 13-19

2025 training dates: June 5-12

Training has three phases:

Phase 1 (1 day, local event): April or May (date varies by location)
Phase 2 (overnight training camp): June 5-12, 2025, Cooperstown Bible Camp
Phase 3 (1 day, local event): early June (time/location varies)

Application Deadlines: 

2025 applications will be available late January 2025
Leadership Track*: March 15
All other students: April 15
*Leadership Track is for returning students who have completed at least one year of Bible Lesson Track

Registration Fee:  2025 fee to be announced late January
A $30 non-refundable deposit is due with your application.
The balance is due when you arrive for Phase Two (Training Camp).
Visit with your local staff about scholarship opportunities! 


  • Check back in January for 2025 applications!

For Parents

More info

Tell me more about Go Training!

The first part of your summer adventure is Go Training. Training is in three phases. It will challenge you as you learn how to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with children through Bible lessons, memory verses, songs and games.

During Phase 1, held during the spring, you’ll complete a 1 day training in or near your local area. There, you’ll meet other students you’ll serve with this summer and receive basic training for the summer ahead.

Then, in early June, you’ll attend training at camp for Phase 2. It meets for 7 days. There, you’ll learn the basics of sharing the Gospel with kids–how to teach Bible lessons and memory verses, as well as storytelling techniques, fun games and songs!

Your training experience will wrap up with Phase 3, held in your local chapter for 1-2 days. This will complete your training with an opportunity to teach kids in a live setting and to experience ministry in your local area.

Training includes classes and studying, but there’s still plenty of time for hanging out with the other students. You’ll get to know other teens from across North Dakota. Friendships started during training often last way beyond the summer!

While at training, you’ll be encouraged to go deeper in your own walk with God. Through activities like SDS (Spiritual Development Sessions), Evening Devos, and a Day of Prayer, you’ll be challenged to spend time with God and to discover what He’s saying to you. So, no, this isn’t your regular camp. It’s a lot of work. But it’s all worthwhile. Promise.

What happens after Go Training? 

Once you’ve successfully completed training, you can serve as a summer missionary! What does that mean? Well, here are just a few of the opportunities that you may have the opportunity to serve at throughout the summer.

Go Clubs

You’ll lead backyard Bible clubs, called Go Clubs, in daycares, parks, and, of course, back yards. Whether you’re in your hometown or staying someplace new, teaching clubs is always fun and memorable. During clubs, you’ll share the Gospel with kids through the lessons, verses, and songs that you learned at Training. There is nothing better than listening as a child believes in Jesus for the first time.


Camp Good News
Camp is a crazy time of canoes, songs, lessons, games, food, learning new skills, and making new friends. Adventure is a guarantee. And when you counsel the children – whether through cabin devos, deep conversations under a tree, or after chapel – you’ll see what a difference Jesus’ love can make.  (Note: Summer missionaries are invited to serve in various camp staff roles based on age, level of commitment during the summer, and maturity).

Other opportunities
Depending on your local CEF chapter, you may have the opportunity to serve in a variety of other ministries, both locally and beyond, such as day camps, national missions trips, and more!

So, are you in?


  • 2025 applications will be available late January 2025

Questions? We’ve maybe answered them already. If not, please contact us.

Parents: check out our page just for you!

* Go Training is a pilot program of CEF of North Dakota with the permission of Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.
